How to Remove Mold From Shower Caulking

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Seeing mold on the shower caulking is one of the disturbing moments one can ever wish for. Mold can grow anywhere in the house, but they grow well in a warm and moist room.

This makes the bathroom a suitable habitat for molds. In this article, you will get the best ways of removing mold from the shower caulking.

1. Atomize ammonia

First of all, ensure you take all the precautions when handling ammonia because when inhaled, it can lead to some health problems. So it will be best if you ensure there is complete air circulation in the room.

You can open all the windows for this case. Additionally, put on the right protective gears. Take a small bucket which you will use to mix water and ammonia.

Ensure this activity takes place where there is free air circulation. After that, take your mixture and pour it inside the spray bottle.

To avoid unnecessary spillage, please consider using a funnel. Spray your mixture on the shower caulk, ensure you do it evenly.

If you encounter much mold growth, you can spray more ammonia at that particular place. Be vigilant, mostly at the corners; this is where the mold growth tends to be more.

Once you are through with the spraying activity, you can take a break of at most ten minutes. Come back later with a brush and start scrubbing the shower caulking.

Keep on scrubbing until you achieve a desirable look. To ensure that no single specimen of the mold has been left behind, use a dry cloth to wipe.

If you haven’t cleaned all the mold by chance, you can repeat the same procedure until nothing is left.

By following the above procedure, your shower caulking should be sparkling clean.

2. Bleaching

Bleaching can be done by the use of either ammonia or chlorine. If you can’t easily get ammonia, you can opt-in for chlorinated bleach.

If you tried removing the molds using ammonia, there is no reason to try bleaching with ammonia. This is because ammonia is quite strong.

When bleaching, it is important to note that when ammonia and other bleaching agents mix, you will have toxic fumes. Therefore, you should not mix them for your health’s sake.

Just choose one of them, either ammonia or chlorinated bleach. Before you start the process, ensure free air circulation in the bathroom.

You can do some dusting at the shower place to avoid mud creation. Depending on the bleach you opted for, mix it in a bucket with one gallon of water.

Carry out agitation to obtain a uniform mixture. The application of bleach can be done in the following ways.

Using a small sponge

Only use the sponge if the mold growths infestation is less. All you have to do is dip the sponge in the mixture, squeeze it and carry on with mold scrubbing.

Spray bottle

Put your mixture inside the spray bottle and spray the mold. Once you are through with spraying, give the mixture at most twenty minutes to settle on the molds. Later on, you can rinse with clean water.

Use cotton coils

If the above two ways haven’t eradicated the mold, you will have to use the cotton coils. With cotton coils, the solution can reach the roots of the stubborn mold.

Put the coils in the mixture but don’t squeeze them out. Place them along with the shower caulking as you try to put them through the openings with the pointed object.

Let them be there for a whole night; the following day, you take them out and then do a thorough scrubbing using a sponge.

3. Vinegar

Mold removal, using vinegar to me, is the best way; why? Vinegar doesn’t just do the normal removal of the molds from the shower caulking. What it does is complete eradication by killing the fungi.

There have been many types of vinegar lately, but the ordinary one is the best compared to the rest. Vinegar destroys all the types of mold located there.

If you can’t stand the strong smell, you do some dilution. Conduct spray to the areas that have been affected by the mold and then give the solution time to act on the mold at least one hour.

Using either a brush or a sponge, scrub the caulk. Finally, wash out the molds with clean water.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

It is another best way to clean off the mold. With hydrogen peroxide, you will have to use a concentration of about 3%.

Spray it to the shower caulking, don’t do scrubbing immediately, do it after ten minutes. You can do the scrubbing with either a sponge or a brush.

Later on, you can dry the area you sprayed with a dry cloth or paper towel.


Having mold in your shower caulking should not worry you, as you can try these tips and get rid of them.

  • Atomize ammonia
  • Bleaching
  • Vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide