How to Paint Trim Without Brush Strokes

Brushstrokes can ruin the paint quality and undermine your hard work. One of the simplest ways to update your house is by applying a fresh or new coat of paint.

The painting process is simple, but a lot of work goes into getting the perfect finish.

How do you prevent brush strokes when painting trim? That may be what you've asked yourself severally.

This article will help you answer that. With these tips, you will have a flawless finish on your paint job.

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Use the Right Brush

Spend a little extra on a quality brush and paint. Using the wrong brush may be the reason you have strokes after you are done.

A good brush readily accepts paint and makes it easy to get a smooth surface.

Ensure you get a two or two and a half-inch angle brush; it is easy to use for paint trim.

Oil-based paints are durable and perfect for painting trim.

Ensure There Is Enough Paint on the Brush

It doesn't mean you should apply excess paint. If the paint is dripping on the ground from your brush, it's probably too much.

When the brush does not have enough paint, the strokes will be inevitable.

Slap the paintbrush on the bucket of paint; it's better than wiping off the tip. 

Slapping will keep the bristles loaded with enough paint. That way, the bare bristles will not be stroking your trim, and you won't experience the strokes.

Don’t Apply Excess Pressure.

The one mistake most people make is applying a lot of pressure on the brush.

Do not press down very hard on the wet paint; slow and steady motions will do the job perfectly. 

The goal is to have an evenly painted surface, so let it float instead of pressing the bristles hard into the paint.

You can easily avoid the brush strokes with the amount of pressure you use when you start painting.

It's essential to use the right amount of pressure with the last coat of paint.

Go With the Grain

When painting trim, pay attention to the grain of the wood. Go with how the grain flow and avoid crossing it.

The brush will leave marks if it goes against the grain, and it will be another process to get rid of it.

When they go in the same direction, the surface will be very smooth and without any strokes.

If you are painting a solid colour, it must be consistent with the flow, especially with the topcoat.

How Do You Remove Brush Marks From Trim?

If you have painted and there are brush marks on your trim, it is better to remove them. First, if the paint is still wet, you have to let it dry.

Then use sandpaper to level out the surface before applying a new coat of paint over it.

Sanding will get the trim ready and smooth for you to rectify the mistakes with another layer of paint.

Applying the layer of paint the second time, you have to be extra careful with your technique.


With the above tips, you will understand better how to paint trim without brush strokes (consider a roller).

You will avoid the brush strokes entirely with minimal effort. It is the small things that can affect the overall results.

Brush techniques are the same no matter what you are painting. But the type of brush can change the results dramatically.