So, you want to build your own DIY ladder, huh?
I can understand why, it's fun, it's simple and they can be very practical if you have a use for them or beautifully decorative even if not.
Some uses include building a ladder to the loft (be careful!), kids bunk beds playhouses, or tree houses.
Or for decorative used where you use it to as storage space or to hold blankets or towels.
Just to be clear; probably wouldn't use it for anything where there's a large height or a lot of weight however.
I built one recently for just $7 (no joke, photos coming soon!) and thankfully there are lots of DIY ladder plans online for you to copy or get inspiration from.
So see some of my favourite DIY Ladder plans here (#4 and #6 are absolutely adorable)...
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1. Abbots At Home Small Step Ladder
This cute little DIY ladder is used to reach the top deck of a playhouse transforming it into a treehouse of sorts.
The Abbots have done a fantastic job of building a cute little playhouse and treehouse for their kids.
You'll need some basic woodworking tools, wood, paint brushes and paint suitable for painting wood to create this simple but awesome looking item.
There are full instructions on how to build it here.
2. Extreme How To's Loft Ladder
Due to their original loft ladder not being fit for purpose (it was fitted to the wall so you couldn't get your feet onto it and the top didn't reach the loft) they had to build their own AND make it safe.
I think they did a pretty good job too judging by the photos.
You can learn exactly how they built their ladder, step by step, here.
3. Okie DIY's Playset Ladder
This was built to use with a DIY Playset in the garden for the kids and shows a clever way to properly measure the height and angle that many DIY'ers miss.
You can also see the full range of steps and tools used in the video. Just be mindful to use exterior paint so that it lasts the duration when used outside.
See their full range of DIY videos here.
4. The Little House On The Corners DIY Shelf Ladder
This is probably the most adorable on the list - it's pink, cute, and it's super practical.
This DIY Shelf Ladder is Christine and Jans way of adding an extra touch of class to their bathroom makeover.
Instead of the typical use of climbing up or reaching something Christine and Jan have used it as a bathroom storage shelf and it looks adorable.
You can see all the adorable photos and their bathroom makeover (their bathroom is stunning and I'm jealous!) plus the step by step guide to build your own DIY shelf ladder here.
6. She Gave It A Go's DIY Blanket Ladder
I love this idea as it looks style and it's very practical and it will make a stunning centrepiece in any house.
Instead of being for climbing and access use you turn it into a storage shelf for blankets in your sitting room (or towels in your bathroom even), genius!
And just look how gorgeous it looks next to Brendt's fireplace with the plans and candles, she's a lady with seriously good taste!
You can find her step by step guide to building your own blanket ladder here.
Did You Enjoy These DIY Ladder Plans?
I really hope you're inspired now to go out and create your own from scratch either inspired by one of these plans or based on your own design.
#4 and #6 on this list are absolutely adorable to me and give an interesting twist on what you can do.
Whilst the others featured are practical and useful for reaching lofts, tree houses and playhouses.
No go and enjoy creating your own DIY Ladder!