Having cabinets in your house is a better thing to do especially in the kitchen considering it is often a place where your family will gather daily.
Also, it provides a nice place where you can keep or create fuel for the family. Therefore, during your construction or when designing your house, it is critical to ensure that you install the best possible kitchen cabinets in the provided kitchen space.
However, keeping the cabinets clean through painting will be an added advantage to you as it will give your kitchen a new look always.
Painting behind your cabinets too will act as a barrier to stains and moisture which if not controlled provides conducive environments for mold growth. This article will guide you on the best ways and steps to paint your cabinets.
Factors to consider before painting the back of the kitchen cabinet
When painting your kitchen cabinet it may seem easy and less costly. However, it may end negatively for you if you jump into painting with less knowledge about paint. Here are some of the factors to consider before painting your cabinet:
1. Cost and labor
Before you start painting, first consider the amount of money and time you will need to complete the project, and decide whether you have enough resources for your investment.
Painting is time-consuming and if you are not keen enough you may end up frustrated and even regret it before its completion.
2. The Drawbacks
Before painting your cabinet, first consider more carefully the main issue be it the setup, the layout, and the amount before concluding that indeed painting is required.
The reason for doing so is that sometimes painting may not be the right solution to your actual root problem and if not keen enough you end up destroying your investment earlier.
3. The color
Before buying paint for your cabinet it’s advisable to switch on the best color scheme that you will be completely satisfied with to avoid ending up with the shade ones and those of poor quality.
To avoid such instances, make sure you work with a color matching company with an assurance that the color selected is the best for the project.
The best steps for painting behind the cabinets
Stripping is the best course of action for you to paint the cabinets well. Its advantage is that it helps to remove adhesion problems between the paints that are old and new unlike just painting over the cabinets. Below are some of the steps to follow when painting your cabinet:
1. Prepare the room
Having diligent preparation work during painting is an assurance of having a successful painting and this starts by emptying the cabinet room by removing any standing appliances and clearing off the counters.
Ensure you relocate all the furniture to another safe room.
Take rosin tape and tape it over the floor and at the countertops to protect the house from paint fumes and dust. Also tape the windows, fixed appliances, and doorways.
Ensure all the walls around your cabinet have been masked off to protect them from the paint fumes.
Set up a broad worktable for painting the back of the cabinet.
2. Remove the doors drawers and the shelves
Removing the doors, drawers, and shelves is the second step. Always remembers to mark behind the hinges of every drawer to prevent mixing the doors.
Carefully remove the hinge screws from the cabinet frame to remove the doors to prevent any damage to the wood.
Label all the pieces including the bottom drawers and the edges of the cabinet shelves.
Ensure you set aside the shelf-hanging hardware close to your worktable together with hinges.
Transfer all the numbers from the tape and attach them to the exposed wood but under one hinge and cover it with fresh tape.
3. Clean the back cabinet surface
Clean the cabinet surface by using a degreaser solution and wipe it down. The solution helps to remove all the grease and oils from the surface which could have prevented a perfect finish. After cleaning the surfaces, rinse them with water and allow them to dry up for some minutes.
4. Prepare the boxes
After preparing your boxes, open all the windows to ensure there is maximum ventilation and put on your protective gear. Use an abrasive pad from a liquid deglosser to scrub down all the surfaces.
With the rag provided hold it underneath to catch drips and wipe the residue away with a clean deglosser from the rag.
Before relocating the hardware, ensure you fill the old screw holes with polyester wood and allow it to settle for 5 minutes, and mix the small batches.
Use your foam sanding material to scuff all the surfaces of the cabinet to give a clear perimeter. Remove all the sanding dust before moving on.
5. Prime the cabinet boxes
Pour primer into your paint tray and load the brush and the roller, coat the cabinet surface with the primer.
Brush the cabinet across the grain from top to bottom and pass the brush lightly over the wet fish. Most importantly ensure you follow all the underlying structure cabinets with your brush.
6. Sand, caulk, and fill
Immediately the primer is dry, sand the flat surface using a grit sanding sponge and squeeze latex caulk in the open seam.
Use your damp finger to smooth the caulk and later fill the dents and scratches with vinyl allow the spackle to dry for an hour and wipe it with a clean tack cloth.
Vacuum the cabinet surface and wipe it again with a tack cloth.
7. paint the cabinet box
Painting the cabinet boxes is the easiest way to go your start by pouring some cabinet enamel and trim into the paint tray and loading your brush and roller with the enamel and applying it to both the small and large surfaces and allowing the coat to dry.
Use your sanding block to sand between the coats then apply the second coat to the cabinet as it will provide a perfect finish.
8. Put back all the pieces
Immediately the second coat dries up, attach the doors and drawers and install all the hinges and knobs. Finally, hang them in their original opening and closing position.
Painting your cabinets should forever be your priority as it will refresh your space and make it much more attractive. The project is good and you can do it by yourself or you can give it to a professional painter.