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Preparing a nursery for your unborn child is among the many moments we get to enjoy during the pregnancy period.
Depending on the gender of your child, chances are that you have already made a lot of choices from the design of the crib to the colour of the paint.
Creating a nursery requires both creativity and planning to have a perfect environment for your baby.
In this creation process, different items are to be collected to complete the area but surprisingly if not chosen or requested earlier, they may end up delaying the delivery making the whole process delay, as a result, there is a high chance that she will deliver before the whole process of creating a nursery is completed, and you sure don’t want that to happen.
While they are many colours to be chosen, pink tends to be the most favourite among nursery designs mostly for girls. In this article, I will talk more about creating and planning a nursery (mainly a pink nursery) early before the timeline without having to rush the process.
1. Choose your favourite theme
Choosing a theme for the room should be done at around week twenty in the pregnancy period. when making your baby a nursery, you need to pick out colours and fabrics that will collaborate with your theme.
Especially when expecting a baby girl, pink collaborate entirely with the taste she will love. It is no surprise that baby girls love pink apart from the fact that it is also a universal girly colour.
You are advised to feel free in going crazy with a lot of pink items in a baby girl’s nursery. However, be ready to receive some princess attitude as the effect caused by the pink theme.
Beautiful butterflies or a lovely rainbow at the wall areas not forgetting to give a bit of attention in the sealing for a perfect theme selection
2. Order all furniture required
At the start of week twenty-one to twenty-three, order your furniture after choosing all that suits you.
Furniture takes a bit longer to arrive since the manufacturers need some time to create a perfect item from your instructions making you want to order as early as possible. Since you’ve chosen a pink theme, all furniture needs to resemble that theme.
3. Painting
At about the period of week twenty-three to twenty-five should be dedicated to painting the room. The reason it is done earlier is that the paint needs to air out before starting to fill in items inside.
Pink works perfect both in large and small nursery rooms with an option of combining with other different colours.
In the painting of small nurseries, the light shaded pink is recommended as it gives the area a sense of brightness and cheerful activities chasing away boredom dullness appearances.
4. Installing a storage position
Babies all love having lots of toys around them as they want to play with almost all of them. You don’t want your nursery to be untidy in that toys are scattered everywhere on the floor.
Try taking a look at all closets and furniture in the room and determine what baskets for storage you require, whether you need to add more shelves or more closets.
5. Know your budget
A nursery that is both modern and well developed is not impossible to create and ensures that you save some cash rather than changing the whole process after every two years.
Keep in mind that babies won’t stay young all their lives and with no time, you end up in a situation where your baby girl is growing and in that process, she easily gets bored with the surrounding demanding for some new changes.
The secret is, even though your chosen theme is a pink outfit, make sure to build an elegant and neutral backdrop that continues to grow with her.
6. Add the extra tiny details
At around week twenty-seven to week thirty, here, you are probably done with most parts of creating a nursery and what you should be doing are probably some final touches.
This is the best time to hang all the pictures you want and put away the baby shower gifts as you move around the area.
Since these are the final stages, your furniture must have arrived by now and you can arrange the area to have as much space as you can because you will be spending most of your time inside.
Make sure to use curtains, carpets, beddings and even rugs to bring invite all the pink needed.
Final thoughts
Experts say that the colour pink has an important role in making an impact in the baby’s room and that is why choosing a colour for your nursery is the most important part.
Pink is among the few perfect colours which combine both serenity and stimulation to produce the best. A colour of beauty and femininity perfect for a little girl’s room.
- Making a pretty pink nursery requires early preparations with deciding the theme as your first step.
- The second step is ordering your furniture early enough to avoid delays and rushing the process.
- Before filling up the room with items, make sure it is first painted and the air has aired out and then place everything into place.
- The final steps are having a storage place mostly for the toys and knowing your budget on how much you’re going to spend.
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