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Building a DIY restoration hardware console table requires some time and effort. However, I managed to build a restoration DIY Hardware inspired console table; why not you?
To begin with, there are different sizes you can determine to use, which will determine how long or short the table will be. Upon building a DIY restoration hardware console table, you will have saved a hefty amount plus the shipping fees.
The benefit of working on the DIY restoration hardware console table is that you will devote time to it, and thus you’re certain that you’ll get a beauty.
My project spent approximately 35 euros buying the required materials such as lumber, sandpaper, stain, and paint.
I had wood and added from other scraps that made my home untidy. I only spent a few bucks on my project, and I’m sure you can use less than 90 euros to build a DIY restoration console table.
Buying furniture can be a bit expensive, and thus you need to gain inspiration on building a console table. Hence, I’ll guide you by giving you the outline and step-by-step process of building a console table.
How to Build your Console Table
Step 1: Cutting lumber
First, you have to cut lumber to the desired sizes. To make the console table, you will require 1×2 pieces of lumber for the back of the table. In addition, you’ll need plywood, especially if the table has to have shelves.
Step 2: Join pieces of wood
To join the pieces of wood you’ve cut, it is best that you make use of the Kreg jig tool. The Kreg jig will be helpful in drilling pocket holes where you’ll insert the screws at an angle.
There are different Kreg tools, such as Kreg K3 and K4, among others. Don’t be confused about which will offer the best result since the results will be the same.
Step 3: Drill and attach
In this step, you’ll require wood glue and pocket screws.
Since you’ve two stretchers that you joined, you should drill ½ pocket holes on each end of the stretchers.
Then, attach the top stretchers to the four legs using glue and pocket screws. Proceed to measure and indicate 3 ½ ft from the bottom of the four legs and join the bottom stretchers to the point indicated with glue and pocket screws.
Step 4: Attach apron pieces
To the four apron pieces, drill 1 ½. Proceed to attach the drilled holes to the console tale using glue and later pocket screws that fit the pocket holes.
Step 5: Drill apron pieces
To the rear of two apron pieces, drill approximately ¾ “pocket holes and attach them to the console table frame. Make use of wood glue and pocket screws of approximately 1 ¼.
Step 6: Fit boards into position
To the remaining 2 apron pieces, use wood glue and then make them fit into position with the 6 boards.
You will find it hard to fit the final board into the position. Hence, it is best that you use a harmer to fit the final board into position. In addition, use nails to ensure the final board and aprons are tightly attached.
Step 7: Cut plywood shelf
First, it is paramount to drill pocket holes to the remaining stretchers, then measure and indicate the locations. Use wood glue and pocket screws to ensure they are tightly intact.
Proceed to measure and cut the plywood. Unto each plywood edge, make sure to drill pocket holes of approximately ¾.
The next step is to join the shelf flush to the top edge of the aprons and stretchers using glue and screws.
Ensure that you attach the boards and pieces with glue and nails. In case you use screws or nails, you can fill the holes with wood filler.
Step 8: Make the top of the table
To make the top of the table, you need to first place the board in the position it will take. Mark the points you need to drill to ensure the tabletop will be firm.
Upon putting the tabletop and drilling screws into it, you can finish the project by sanding and later painting.
Building a DIY restoration console table requires time and effort. However, you will save a hefty amount.
To build the DIY restoration console table, you’ll not use more than 90 euros, including buying materials such as paints, lumber, and sandpapers.
To build a DIY restoration hardware inspired console table, you should follow the following steps;
Step 1: Cutting lumber
Step 2: Joining pieces of wood
Step 3: Drilling and attaching stretchers
Step 4: Attach apron pieces
Step 5: Drill apron pieces
Step 6: Squeeze boards into position
Step 7: Cut plywood shelf
Step 8: Make the top of the table, sand, and finish by painting.